HAHA!!! This came from a conversation I had late one night while sleepily storytelling with Inlove....and here it is....luvs ya babes!! :D OH and if you want this in a t shirt... just ask... it can be done. (the time this took place was 3:08:51 AM and we had gotten into a discussion about dragging tech gear into the woods or something weird....) HAHAHA Inlove: well i was planning on leaving the satelite phones behind Purevil: uh huh Purevil: and what else? Inlove: what do you mean what else? Purevil: the laptops Purevil: the gps Inlove: all the tech is being left darling Purevil: the hundreds of other gadgets they have that you strap to yourself so they can find you Purevil: wow Purevil: you with out all the machinery Purevil: you're gonna lose 100 lbs lol Inlove: i was and still am a master bushman Purevil: ok Purevil: my mind just went in the whole wrong direction on that one after that the whole conversation just kinda went to hell in a sugar coated basket.... stickers actual size shown here: