Dark Red Room Rug:
A dark red room rug that is is thick piled rug and can resized.
The rug is little higher than most rugs so it would hide any rooms floor that wasnt quite level (per the orginal developer, so you can use the shift + left mouse keys to move the rug up and down to fit your floor).
View of the rug resized and orgianl size are pictured below.
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Flapper Dress Black, Extra Long Nails Red, Pedicured Dainty Feet V2, Raven SalonStyle Eyebrows, Anastaisa Raven, and other GnawtyGirl Desings can be seen here.
Skin avie is wearing is Camel - Elegant Sexy by DominicSava.
Room "Saf - Dreamy Night Sky" that the rug is shown is by SafireLotus.