Annabelle was a beautiful child, fair of face and voice. Alas she was also spoiled by her parents and allowed to do whatever she pleased. The grounds keeper was a more stern man who felt that children needed discipline. Many times he yelled at the child to stay away from his shed and the unkempt grounds of their neighbor Lord Kinnsley. One after noon Annabelle's father overheard the grounds keeper scream at the child to stay out of the neighbors yard and observed the servant deliver a sound swat to her rump. Infuriated Annabelle's father fired the man immediately. The next morning when Annabelle's nanny opened her bedroom door she found her window open and the child gone. Annabelle's father called in the police who quickly came to the conclusion that the grounds keeper was to blame. He was arrested and questioned. The grounds keeper swore his innocence but no one listened, his day in court was a travesty and he was sentenced to hang. Even though his lawyer showed evidence that the window had been opened from within. Annabelle's fate was still unknown. A month later the neighbor, Lord Kinnsley, became ill. He asked his nephew and family to come and maintain his estate. The nephew quickly set about restoring the unkempt gardens for fear his children would be harmed in the overgrown unsafe lands. It was during this time that the well was found, only a few rotting boards kept it from being noticed, truly a treacherous hazard. And when investigated further it was found to be the resting place of Annabelle. No signs of foul play were found, the police believed that from what they could find that the child had actually left her own room and wandered into the garden late at night. In the end an innocent man went to his grave for trying, in his own way, to protect the child, which when removed was little more than a pile of bones in a white dress.