Garden Of The Soul (with Sound) - Relax in the soothing sights and SOUNDS of nature. Nature action prevails here; fireflies flit and glow, butterflies flutter by (sorry), birds sing, and insects provide a marvelous background sound. Six poses, eight animations. Three normal seating poses on each bench, dance pose in the center clearing (kinda comical), romantic poses discreetly placed outside the tree ring (kinda lame - but mostly this is a relax-and-talk sort of item). The great thing about this is that it's a furniture item, but you get almost a complete room's worth of ambience. Place two or more of them outdoors in a yard or garden, or put them in a complete outdoor space, and you've got an infinite variety of layouts; picnic garden, night garden, park - anything your mind can come up with. Sounds (limited to 20 seconds...dammit) are triggered with the following words:

cica - cicadas (aka locusts to many folk)

cric - crickets

bbird - blackbird singing

ngale - nightingale singing

Note that sound adds a whole new dimension to this item, and truly makes it a different place to be. Also they're quite realistic - my wife spent about ten minutes in real life looking for that damn cricket - she couldn't tell where it was coming from, hehe.