Why wait for All Hallows Eve to dress up and frighten away the darkness¿ In fact why frighten the darkness away at all¿ Instead adorn yourself with the visage of the grand priest of the Outer Gods and COMMAND the darkness!Constructed by artist ReverendWyrm and presented here for your arcane enjoyment!

DERIVABLE! Create your very own cephalopod mask! Don't care for a cephalopod¿ Use the Alpha channel to remove the tentacles all together, and while you're at it you can also use your creativity an apply alphas to the Face mask as well! Your imagination is your only limitation
Cephalopod Mask Uv Map Tentacles UV Map

Did I mention that this mask is animated¿! That's right use command words or bring it to full life with a special incantation!
CAUTION! Neither LittleCrikcet, nor ReverendWyrm can be held responsible for inadvertant transdimensional travel, accidental release of nightgaunts, or any other hyper-reality accidents that may occur while wearing this mask!

Command words:
Fhtagn: Causes mask to come to life, permanently! Use at your own risk!

USABLE BY MALE AND FEMALE AVATARS! Found in female accessories.

Shown With:


Flesh of the Ileris(F)

Ileri Head Fins

Flesh of the Ileris

Ileris Eyes