The Silver Dragon Katanas!

The Silver Dragon Katanas are highly animated dual wield Katanas! Shown here are the shining silver blades, and black sheath with silver dragons wrapping themselves over the ends of each shelth!

The Commands...and boy there are many!

sheath - Idle animation in sheathed-ready stance

draw - Idle animation in unsheathed-drawn-ready stance

sab - Sheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in sheathed stance

saf - Sheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in sheathed stance

sar - Sheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in sheathed stance

sal - Sheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in sheathed stance

uab - Unsheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in unsheathed stance

uaf - Unsheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in unsheathed stance

uar - Unsheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in unsheathed stance

ual - Unsheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in unsheathed stance

whirlwind or ww - Rising Spin Attack

swordplay or sp - Sequence of manuerves

Best worn with skin tight clothing

This is the perfect ultimate katana for any dragon lover!

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