Status: Napping
(God knows I'm going to be using this one a lot =P)

Ever left your IMVU client on and went to do something else or set yourself to DnD, only to come back with many messages on your homepage asking where you were and why you weren't accepting their invites?

Well, now you can use status stickers to tell your buddies where you are or what you're doing! Many more coming statuses soon, and you can even request a certain status if you happen to be away a lot doing some specific activity, or just want one that's already made in another colour.

Available Statuses:
At School
Away from Computer (pink - leave me alone!)
Away from Computer (purple - leave a message :))
Reading (green -leave a message :))
Reading (plum - leave me alone!)

Sticker is shown below, except the one you buy won't have the word SAMPLE on it.

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