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~!!Classic Romance!!~

Derivable Proposal Table

UV Map 1

UV Map 2

UV Map 3

UV Map 4

Maps are named and labeled so they will be as easy as possible to use. All Maps are in .png format with opacity. As always I have made a single derivation to show some of the possibilities of this mesh.
(See image below)


Vertex shading (which can be turned off in the materials tab) for easy texturing and instant realism.

5 animated props: 2 chairs, 2 glasses, 1 ring. They all work together flawlessly with the avatar

Realistic avatar conversation.

4 Pose spots: couples conversational, couples proposal animation

Animated bubbles in the glasses

This is the version for General Audiences so the glasses are NOT stemware

The female avatar discovers a ring at the bottom of her glass, surprised, she pours the ring into her hand, as the male avatar walks around to take the ring and ask her hand in marriage on one knee. 

This pose may not appear the same with all avatar couples. The heads used in this advertisement and in the design of this product are medium sized heads. To initiate this pose, both avatars should be standing in their respective locations, while the actions are playing "out of sync" right click on the avatar that is not yours and click on an action, such as a hug. When the avatars rejoin the pose, the actions will be synchronized.