"The Heknet were a race related to dragons, akin to a distant cousin. None the less, after the wholesale slaughter of the Draconi, the Heknet were the closest one could find and as such were highly prized kills for the roaming warrior or wizard. The bones and skin of the Heknet were often used as reinforcements or even complete substitutes for shields and other armours as the bones of the Heknet were virtually indestructible and it's skin extremely durable and impervious to fire and acids...
~URZU the Chronicler"
Excerpt from: 'Armourers: Tools and Techniques of a modern Smith' Twelfth Book of URZU

During a paleontological exploration on the steps of the Peruvian mountains, I was lucky enough to recover the intact remains of what could only be a Heknet, male by the size of the skeletal frame, smaller than the females. Obviously I wasted no opportunities to replicate the more prominent portions and they were promptly disseminated around the world. Here for your own use is the Heknet Skull Helm, the most traditional way of wearing the skull, complete with it's unique quad-horn growth and even a semifull set of upper canines(Only two are missing; the lower jaw of the Heknet was a toothy nightmare and hapless prey was held firmly in place with the uppers as the lower jaw moved on it's lateral hinge! A most gruesome way to be eaten to be sure!)

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