A Graduation Card with a greeting inside. A personal greeting for a personal friend: To My Sister To My Friend: You have made an outstanding achievement and you've made many hearts proud of you. With self-discipline and determination you've demonstrated how much you can do. Remember, you have in your history a culture stronger than it may seem. May it empower your heart with confidence as you strive to achieve your dream. There is nothing in life quite as worthy as a goal you have strived to achieve. All you need is the courage to try it and faith in yourself to believe. Remember, you alone set your standards, so do set each one very high. Though around you, you may see virtues crumble do not be discouraged . . . just try. You have made an outstanding achievement and you've made many hearts proud of you, so go forward with high ideals shining and make all of your wishes come true. Congratulations. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 Love PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket