Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..

Behold the wrath of Medusa! Inspired by my own love for mythology and my everlasting fascination with this being (along with the multitudes of cinematic appearances!) This skin is a deep emerald green with a somewhat glowing aura, accentuating the numerous musculature details and blended scaling. The nails are slate black throughout and the facial structure is somewhat reptilian with various bony concave ridges. There is a slight accentuation of the eyes through very light makeup use and vibrant, shiny lips. Medusa holds both the power of beauty and death in her very form. Fear her and adore her, but dare not get in her way!

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The entire matching Medusa Collection (not shown) can be found here, including the Tail , Serpent Hair , Gorgon Armor Top , Serpentine Armor Collar , and Beast Master Gloves .

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