The Power Up

(Designed for Male and Female Avies)

All the Super Saiyans in the house say Yo! Or was that Kamaya-Maya? In either case, get powered up with the Power Up. This little pet allows you to summon up your avie's power. Type in "Rocks" to cause the ground to fly up as your power overwhelms gravity. Type in "Rings" to make your energy flame out around your feet as it scorches the ground with your power. And type in "Powerup" to merge both effects together in the ultimate display of your incredible, untapped energy.

Note: This item works with both sexes. Due to the limitations of the IMVU catalog, it's listed under Pets. If you have a hard time finding it in your inventory, look there. I used a female picture for convenience, but it works perfectly with Male avies as well.

Don't like the color of the Power Rings? Need Flashier Rocks? Or maybe you want some sound effects? Well don't complain about it, Derive It! Make your own version and sell it in the catalog at a comfortable markup over my original. Show everybody how you think the Power Up should look and score some credits in the process! All you need is Previewer, a photo editor, and a spark of genius! For your convenience, I've included some Templates are below:

This is the Color map of the Energy Rings:

This is the Opacity map, that determines the See-Through-ness of the Rings:

And this is the Color Map of the little rocks that float up: