This is a derivable item. Content creators can derive from it to create new products.
To see what's been created using this item, click HERE.

Long, brown hair flows down to your ankles.

NOTE: The "Any Length" in the title refers to the fact that developers can change the length of the hair on new items they derive from this using opacity maps. You cannot buy this and then change the length of your hair.

Developers: This item is easy to derive from! You can use a straight hair texture, or anything you like; the texture is NOT mirrored so you could make one side a completely different color than the other, if you wanted.

This mesh also has an opacity map, allowing you to design hair as LONG or as SHORT as you like! Check out the pictures below to see it at full length.

I used a 512x512 texture for maximum realism in the hair texture. You can use any size texture, as long as your texture and opacity map are the SAME size!!

Developers' Template: