This took foreverrrrrrrrr to make, despite being a fairly simplistic skin. I got this crazy idea to make a skin that looks like mine, available to the public, and for female. So I went ahead and tried to make this thing, it really did take forever, getting the lines just the way I want them, the highlights, etc. I normally don't make skins, in fact I think this is the first female skin I've made.
Anyway, this skin is an abstract(Not realistic), mostly black latexy skin with a few orange "highlights", and it's designed to go well with my Cinderkin eyes, so I'd recommend trying those on with this skin.
For people with AP, you might want to take a look at the whole skin if you know what I mean.
I may make more versions of this skin in the future, possibly with different highlights or features, so check back once in awhile.
You can find the hair in the icon here.
Female only, try before you buy.