Lush Daisy Flower Grass

This is a patch of daisy flowers and grass for your rooms

This grass is made with particles, which is a first for IMVU so its a unique product

Particles are not like normal products!

This grass is going to look VERY different depending on what graphics setting you have, direct3d and OpenGL display particles differently

if you scale this up in size in direct 3d it will spread outward and in open gl it will scale upward and bigger

please keep this in mind if you are scaling from the original size and using in public rooms, I check in both as I like everyone to see a great room.



Developers. I have opened this up to deriving, particles use a .png image and the one in this product must be called 66.png

All ya do is make a .png file of your grass and save it with no back ground, if you want it more or less see thru, then adjust the opacity of the pic on the .png file

save as 66.png and then move it in to the assets folder and hit apply