Check out this video to see VanGodLos's wonderful 'VTOL Mars Scout'

Do you want your own airship? Why am I even asking!? OF COURSE YOU DO! This fully (ish) loaded airship will fly you back and forth on all your gathering needs as you prepare for your battle with the greatest threat against the world ever.

Yes, you, the adventurer, the one who stumbled across the airship, the one that had been sitting there for who knows how long, something that probably took many thousands of hours of labor by hundreds of people to design and assemble. The one that you didn't think would work but the mechanic character who happened to be travelling along with you had the collective knowledge that surpassed all of those individuals and was solely capable of diagnosing, repairing, and even buffing the dings out and be perfectly pretty and ready for flight in a matter of hours.

This scene will probably be far more entertaining if you populate it with furniture. You should start with the perfect investement...
PewPew style LASER!
ZapZap style LASER!
Wreee style LASER!

DERIVERS, I beg of you to make something better with my mesh than the paintbucket garbage I threw on it. Here's the magic to do it with... ZIP