Radio Player 960 R

Red Looks

  • This streaming  radio comes with 960 stations classified into lots of genres and categories
    It depence on the country you live in if you be able to listen to them all

    This is a streaming radio player for on your wall

    There are 4 standing nodes in the front

    When you click on the stream radio banner the radio will show up in the left corner of your screen

    You can stop the radio any time you like or let it play and click on minimize or hide player

    And lots of channels to chose from....Enjoy!!!


    More streaming radio players in different colors and looks, small or large for on the wall

    You can find in my catalog or you can click on the icons to see the pics

    Also the flash radio for on the floor in several colors you can find in my catalog

    Or click on the icons


    Please keep in mind this is live streaming from remote servers over which I have no control
    and which may be down for maintenance or other reasons


    Click on the Banner

    mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss