Yacht Club Anim. Toy Box

Bundle now available:

This is an animated toy box that
looks very sweet in any baby boy
nursery room. It's made of a subtle
light blue granite; the fabric is a
soft plaid with boat accents. The
top of the box is a swirled light blue.
I do have matching items, if you wish
you can see them by clicking on my
banner below.

In the animation, parent bends down,
opens the box, pauses to view what's
inside and then closes the box again.

This is a quality product meshed
by Miladyk (MLK) and textured with
care. I never mind getting as close
as possible to my work to take pictures
because the detail makes the difference.

Please try on the item before you buy to see how it looks.
Want this item in a different color?
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.
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I always appreciate feedback as my clients' opinions are important to me.