"Caused by the rarity of the Kata Moi Tor stones, representatives from Praxis, Scriven, Kinesics, and the Smithing Guild convened a conclave in an attempt to recreate these rare objects. After a complete solar cycle they various House members were dispersed to their respective Guilds. The resulting year of experimentation birthed what would come to be called the Aenorus Focal Node! Not being constructed with the organic Lode stone used for Kata Moi Tor, the Aenorus is instead created from a magical compression of various materials and elements. Rather than sacred carvings, Scriven used it's Glyphs to instill the Aenori with numerous magical traits which mimic the effects of the natural Tor. As a result the Aenori can be found within almost all established temples for almost every Guild and their Houses.
~URZU the Chronicler"

Discovered during an archealogical dig in the deserts of Egypt.The presence of which confirms my long held belief that Egyptian "Gods" were in fact stragling remnants of the ancient Guilds. Having roots in the ancient Terran language the vocalization command for this Node was easier to decipher than previous discoveries. Being constructed for a single purpose this Node has only a single, grinding motion, which produces an energy wave which can be seen whirling between the Node and it's anchor.

DERIVABLE! Create your own version of the Aenorus to represent your realm or Guild! The energy pattern can be combined with Alphas to create any shape you desire!
Aenorus UV Map Base UV Map Energy UV Map

Animation Command: Circio:Begins endless spinning motion of both the stone and resulting energy.

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