This is a high quality voice box of Daniel Craig as 007 James Bond. The triggers are as followed: 5Million, Advice, Ahh!, Beauty, BloodyIdiot, Bodies, Bollinger, BombMaker, Caviar, Certainly, Considerably, Dead, Difficult, Dinner, DoThatForMe, Drink, DrinkOrder, DrivingYou, Drop, Enter, EveryPenny, Fabulous, Favor?, Gambler, Good., GoodAtMyJob, GoodEvening, Idiot, IKnow, Impatient, InLove, InTrouble, Involved, JobDone, Kill, MoneyOnTheSide, MrBeech, Name, NamesBond., No, NotMyType, Oops, ParentsHell, PersonalQuestion, Pracice, Religion, Right, Security, SellingSecrets, Sentence, ShortLife, Sorry, Sympathizes, TakenSeriously, WantThat, WatchingHim, What?, Where?, WillDo, WorthIt, Yes, YouNoticed, YourGun, YourName