The Death Scenes
(I'm only showing the male avie using these because I'm lazy.
This is the female version and it will ONLY work for the ladies. The Male version is sold separately!)

This is a part of an ongoing series of Death Scenes for people using IMVU to make films. This version has 4 different death animations. The commands are "Ack", "headshot", "Momma", and "Snitch".

Due to STRANGE limitations in how IMVU works, I can't make one version for men and women, so this version is for FEMALES ONLY! There's a Male version sold elsewhere in the catalog. Don't buy the wrong one by mistake!

Don't like the command names? Want to add sound effects? Need faster/slower animations? Derive it! Make your own version, impress your friends, customize it to your liking, and even make a some credits in the process. See the developer page for details on deriving.

Support Developers and Save yourself some money by buying your IMVU Credits from one of these dependable Sellers: