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How To Create A Headsign (Text)

Using Photoshop.

First step: Creating the Opacity

- Open a 512x512 image, or save the UV Map which is the correct size: Here
- Make the background black, using the Paint Bucket Tool: Like this
- Create a new layer
- Put the text on the black background, nearer the bottom. Make the text white: Like this
- Save it.

Second Step: Creating the texture.

If you would like the text to be one colour, create a new layer, use the paint bucket tool, fill the layer with the colour, save, and upload into the texture section.
- Duplicate the text layer (by pressing ctrl J)
- Click on Brush Tool (Or press B)
- Click on the area that the text is, it will say "This type layer must be rasterized before proceeding etc.., Click Ok.
- You can change the colour of the text by going to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation
- Tick Colorize.
- Turn The Saturation Bar Up & the Lightness Bar Down.
- Now you can move the Hue bar to which ever colour you like: Like this
(You can also double click to layer to bring up more options for the style of the text).

Tick 'blending' for a smoother outline effect on create mode.
- Save the file.

- Upload the opacity & texture and your done :)

Final Result: Here!

Tip: Try on a few hairs to check that the sign doesn't overlap with it.

Good luck.