Sky High Treehouse:
Always wanted to be above the clouds? Here is your chance with this lovely, three level sky high treehouse.
The bottom level at the trees roots carved into a black garnet stone has three platforms. Two are connected by a little wooden foot bridge made of weather pine planks and rope sides. The third platform connects to the second level by a staircase made of weather pine.
The second level is one big platform of weather pine and has matching sides (as do all the other platforms). The second level has a wooden animated swing made from the pine along with an animated elevator leading up to the top level.
The top level medium platform with two side platforms. One platform is connect with a staircase but the second smaller platform is just bit away on a sturdy branch.
The tree is surrounded by billowy white clouds. The branches are full of lush green leaves and are adorned with several lanterns on the second and top levels.
The lanterns hanging in the branches are a light wrought iron with a heart & spade pattern. The lanterns are made of frosted glass with a diamond pattern. The lighten inside reflects the red blub.
A perfect place to run away too or just so you know that you are truely at the top of the
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