Version 2. Taliessin during the magical blue 'Gloaming' hour. The Fog casts a blue light upon the docks. See V1 for clear weather.

Welcome to Taliessin
Home to Artisans, Scholars and Musicians
Haven to those in need of peace, healing, knowledge or conversation
Welcome traveller, I bid thee enter if ye come of good will. Ye of ill intent shall be dealt with accordingly.

Standing spots galore! On the roof, on the dock, on the boats...if you stand in just the right spot you can even take the boats for a ride! Thank you ANSHE CHUNG for the wonderful mesh!!

- Once Taliessin was one of many elven havens. It is south of The Grey Havens and sits upon a bluff overlooking the sea. As the sun sets over the horizon, a brilliant path of liquid golds shimmers upon the water, lighting up the walls of the city, giving it is name...'Shining brow'. This fact is bittersweet, considering the remaining first born that dwell within have yet to hear the call home to the Undying Lands. They gaze in it's direction often, thinking of loved ones who have since sailed.

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