A fabulous dance floor for your avatar to have a party on!

Simple and elegant, with steel edges with a 'starry' base, this dance floor gives you hours of fun.  The trigger word for the song is 'single'.   Of course, you don't need to dance to this song... you can dance along to any music played in your room.  Or be freaky and dance to nothing... whatever makes your avi happy.  haha!   



The dance floor is animated, and has three positions with dance moves so your avatars can have a boogie together.  Remember, this is a 'furniture' item so it MUST go into a room where you can put furniture.  Another thing to remember is that once you have purchased this item, you can 'add it' as many times into your room.  So, you could keep it simple with one - OR, you could put a whole lot down and have a massive party!

Did you know that these dance-floors aren't limited to the floor?  Check this out, you can even put them on the walls or ceilings, or tilt them... get creative!!!