Platform 13

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The perfect setting for a horror film!

This is Platform 13, a tube station deep under the streets of the city. Anything could lurk in the unexplored passageways that link to the tube system.
Don't forget they lock up at midnight. Make sure you aren't stuck down here!

This scene has plenty of standing and seating spots for all your friends. It is also a room that you can customise with your own pose spots and furniture. Enjoy.


Our models were:
Zombies: Zomborg
Extras: LostSprit, XNERD4LIFE

Copyright Info: I, CaptainLust, have been given full rights to advertise the band, Radiate, on IMVU, in anyway I see fit. This includes permission to make profit from marketing Radiate via IMVU and it's products, using official or unofficial logos, images, photos and lyrics. Permission to alter these graphics and/or lyrics is at the discretion of the band.

If you have any queries regarding my use of their copyrighted material, please contact or contact the band via their MySpace, making sure to mention "Lemon from the forum."