Magic Portal to Elveness. Place this magic portal in any room and when you click on the magic portal it takes you away to the SECRET LAND OF ELVENESS. I derived it to put in my Hobbitshire room, but it can go anywhere you want a lil magic escape!

The perfect room to put this portal the R00M OF ANCIENT ELVEN SCROLLS: ANCIENT ELVEN SCROLLS

To get back, just click on the magic portal once again! YES YOU CAN ADD POSES AND FURNITURE TO THIS ONE (by dragging them in)

The animated portal is made of soft hues or the rainbow and Elveness is an enchanted land with animated poses, animated water, animated lights streaming through the wilderness..for a sense of realism and romance you will love!

Even though this is a furniture item that can be placed in any is also a room all by itself. So you can get a room within a room. If you play with the minimizing size featuresand the location of your portal, YOU CAN drag furniture and POSES into this room from your main room, because I HAVE DONE IT!

Once you have your poses and stuff dragged into this room, just adjust their size to match the room size and everything will be in the same is very magical...VERY!
