Fairy Oasis Waterfalls
Fairy Oasis Waterfalls- With Poodle Crape myrtles and Baobab (bä´ōbăb´´) is a gigantic tree found in Africa that creates its own ecosystem. A baobab tree’s hollowed-out trunk, leaves, foliage, nectar, fruit, and bark provide basic life needs for many different creatures. For two months out of the year, when the rain falls and the grasses are green in the African Savannah, the baobab tree produces leaves and flowers. The enormous tree can grow to 98 feet tall and 36 feet wide. Baobab trees are one of the world’s oldest life forms. The baobab tree serves as a meeting place for many people to gather, discuss, and share stories. At Baobab Blast, the baobab tree is the central figure—the hub of activity, energy, and life. The baobab tree supports and invites community. In fact, the baobab tree is a symbol of community.


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