
Irn Bru!
"I once tasted Irn-Bru. It was like having my eyes plucked right out of my head and I awoke several days later in the middle of a field, naked, with a traffic cone stuck up me arse" ~ John Rambo on Irn-Bru

Irn-Bru is the non-alcoholic national drink of Scotland, reputedly made from Girders ,dead ginger kids and radioactive waste (which is what gives it the fluorescent glow). Possibly addictive; those who have never tasted it previously typically react by saying that it is either (a) disgusting or (b) unbelievably sweet. However those who have been exposed from infancy, however, believe it to be the most delicious drink in the known universe (including the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster). Irn-Bru, if taken in sufficient quantity along with a Scotch Pie, is widely accepted as the finest cure yet discovered for the hangover.

Irn-Bru is the lifeblood of the common or garden ned, a simple minded but aggressive creature, native to Scotland, which thrives in places such as Cumbernauld.

Irn-Bru has recently taken over Scotlands water supply after millions of Scots complained that Irn-Bru was not available straight from the tap.

Irn Bru did not, as is widely believed, congeal in A.G. Barrs bathroom. In fact it has an interesting history, one which is spattered with the blood of many a Scotsman who died to keep its secret. The secret is now widely known, but it is simply too disgusting to be detailed here, see Soylent Green
The Scots particularly Love Irn Bru as Scottish Mothers lactate Irn Bru instead of milk.

Rumours have further spread that the legendary Jack Sparrow, captain of the Black Pearl, will be searching for the elixir of life, only to find that it is in fact, Irn-Bru. However, he is not disappointed, and instead becomes a Scotsman, dances a heelan' fling, and collapses in a fit of violent, English hating delight.


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