If you've read the book, then you know that this is THE Most Important item in the WHOLE UNIVERSE. If you haven't read "The Book", then you suck. A Vogon will be by to read you poetry, shortly. Either way, this is a simple towel designed to hang over the Default Male Avie's shoulder. It works with most poses, but since I can't make one object avoid another object, sometimes the avie's arm will go through it. But hey, it's just a towel, right? Even THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM IN THE UNIVERSE has it's limits!

BTW, it is derivable, should you have a burning desire to own a towel that's not white. White's a perfectly good color, or lack of color. But even a Hitchhiker may need to color coordinate, so below are the simple templates you'll need. Either colorize my white towel, or use the wireframe template to make something NEW and AMAZING! (hey, it could happen)

This is the White version:

And this is the Wireframe for your hardcore designers:
