Surreal Balloon Fantasy Ride will glide you through the surreal atmosphere of beautiful lilac clouds & endless blue skies in this unique but wonderful passion flower balloon. Once gliding through the air, the landscape below will give you the feeling of real movement. The cold blue/ice flames within the air balloon is realistic with animation. There are 7 seats within this scene, & 4 avatars can stand inside the awesomely weaved intricately detailed with wild flowers woven basket. The 5th seat has your avatar holding onto the heart designed sandbags, with legs swinging about in the air...funny sight to see...:) The seats with sit 6 & the 7th avatar can be placed on top of the balloon, there 2 avatars can take up romantic, "titanic poses." Note: The 2 persons can interact outside the balloon basket, for the romantic poses only, you must be at the very top of the balloon. Well worth the credits! Enjoy your fantasy!