A cool diving and fishing boat scene with lighthouse and underwater pyramid.It has 56 seats all over the place.So sorry about the high price,it cost so much to derive from it, but its worth it
MsBlake products
This is the help menu by the maker of the scene levin8388.

This scene is designed for who intend to explore a little bit. For users who juz wanna have relax chat, read this please. thank you.

SPOTS: Shift your fishing boat to (1) Jetty Side by Type Spot01 (2) Middle Sea by Type Spot02 For Jetty Side, you can fish or have a bird eye view by hopping onto Lighthouse. For Middle Sea, you can dive into sea and explore a bit on a staircase pyramid .

DIVING: You can dive vertically by hopping onto *Seat 40, 41, 57 and type dv1, dv2, dv3 accordingly.Grab hold of the blue balls you see start to move when you type dv1/2/3 they will take you under the water. You can dive horizontally by hopping onto *Seat 38, 39, 56 and type dh1, dh2, dh3 accordingly. To get back to the surface while you are deep in the sea, you can activate dv1, dv2, dv3 the blue balls will then come down to fetch you.

Function Seat # can help you to hop and explore. Type Helpon hop into fishing boat fishing chair and face your av to have a clearer view of visual hints.

Motion trigger *seat* Towards seabed type *seat 40 dv1 *seat 41 dv2 *seat 57 dv3 Travel around pyramid *seat 38 dh1 *seat 39 dh2 *seat 56 dh3 Trigger for Help menu Helpon and Helpoff