A series of wallpaper that will give you the flexibility to alter your rooms to better express your personality. Allow me to help you create the worlds YOU want to live in. The Majestic Series is a mix of simple and complex patterns, but all of them are made to add grandure to your rooms whichever you may choose. Majestic 4 is one of two similar panels, with a simple raised border and a shimmering, irridescent foil finish; No4 has no center embellishment and is meant to compliment Majestic 5 wallpaper. This wallpaper will tile vertically and horizontally, matched up correctly, these will alter the appearance of the dimensions of your room.. the corners will seem to almost disappear, making the room appear a completely different shape. Works on floors and ceilings too. Please take the time to peruse all the designer wallpaper, wall art, and other articles for personal and environmental enhancements in my catalog. Thank you for your patronage. Illuminate the Darkness... The Kreep

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