Just what every starting community theater needs! Scrap wood and paint! CHEAP scrap wood and CHEAP paint, because imagination doesn't cost a dime, but you gotta fill the gaps in with something, and there's no sense in shoving a whole lot of expensive nonsense in the way.

It's pretty simple, I hope... You have your front and your back, and you set the shape with an opacity map. I suggest when you're done with the front, you flip your opacity map horizontally and put it as the back's opacity map so it lines up. The shape of the 'cardboard' is actually rectangular, exactly twice as wide as it is tall.

The trick to the 'thickness' and being able to 'cut' it out is there are 15 planes arrayed very close together so they all appear to line up from any angle except directly from the side.

There are six 'support' triangles arrayed at the bottom, but you can disappear them by blacking them out on their opacity map so you can only use the ones that seem necessary.

MatID 0 is the front, 1 is the back, and 2 are the supports.