AJEE Build-And-Run-Before-It-Falls-Apart Contractors Limitedly Limited Ltd. is skeptical to announce our awkward step into terrestrial based building models! The start of our endeavor is marked by our theater, complete with stage and seating (you'll need to find your own curtains, props, actors, insurance, liability, and proper supports for both stage and seats so they won't collapse when anyone tries to get onto them)! Including 174 luxurious (p)velvet seats and the stage is build out of solid (compressed particle board) oak! Perfect for your community theater needs!

Bring your friends! Be an actor! Break a leg! Don't blame us for it!

Now, I'm sure the selection of suitable 'prop' furniture is a bit short yet, but there are 187 furniture nodes arrayed on the stage, I'll probably add some ceiling nodes over it, later.