BOOK OF SHADOWS... A Witches Book of spells and magical workings. Working with the elements- Earth- Air- Fire- and Water to do these spells -Triggers- Hold , Aura , FireBall , GustSeat , MagicBall , EarthShield , SoulSuck , Water1 , Water2 , Water3 , Water4 , Water5 , AuraP , FireHold , GustSeatP , MagicBallHold , EarthShieldP , SoulSuckP , Water2P , Water3P , Water4P and Water59 ... Use The Water Spells In combination see what you can come up with, Example: 2 and 5 make a really wide spell. try it out, it's fun. :) The Spells ending with a P means PERMANENT! the spell will not un-trigger itself over time (unless it is interrupted by something) The Book is chained to your wristband, animated with sound and all that cool stuff :p