For male and female avatars.


Here we have a derivable head shaped like an old style boombox, complete
with speaker thumping actions.

Concept and idea commissioned by 80s.

Naturally, this will replace your avatars head and hair.

Action triggers are all super simple:

ad - Puts the antenna into the down position.

am - Puts the antenna into the mid position.

au - Puts the antenna into the up position.

hd - Puts the handle into the down position.

hm - Puts the handle into the mid position.

hu - Puts the handle into the up position.

ahd - Puts the antenna and handle into the down position.

ahm - Puts the antenna and handle into the mid position.

ahu - Puts the antenna and handle into the up position.

bst - Causes the base and speakers to thump repeatedly.

bsts - Stops the base and speakers from thumping.

bt - Causes the base to thump.

bts - Stops the base thumping.

st - Causes the speakers to thump.

sts - Stops the speakers thumping.

Click here for the base guide

Click here for the speaker and misc parts guide

Click here for the neck guide

Enjoy!!! ^_^