Thank you for visiting my catalog today and I hope it's been a pleasant one
at that. The current product you are viewing is the Garden of the Crane.

Please, try before you buy and enjoy. :)

The Crane Clan
The Crane Clan, Left Hand of the Emperor, is known throughout Rokugan
for its skilled duelists and artisans. The Crane are also noted courtiers,
wielding great power in the courts of the land. The Crane were founded by
the Kami Doji.

Gardens of the Crane
The fantastic gardens of the Crane are delicate beauties that are spoken
of throughout Rokugan. They cover huge tracts of land reaching up to thirty
li (miles), having been converted from arable land into pleasurable gardens by
past Crane Clan Champions. The Crab would complain and call it a waste of
land, but the vast and rich lands of the Crane afford some spare for beauty.
The gardens are works of art, containing bonsai trees, flower bushes and
trickling streams that create the illusion of careless perfection. They are the
result of generations of gardeners who spent their lifetimes perfecting their
art. In addition to being art the gardens often symbolize something mythical,
spiritual or historical.

These are simple representations of the clan and the families I play as,
from the LARP and/or TCG created by AEG. For more information
about other clans & further lore, please visit the Wikia.

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