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PLEASE TRY IT before you buy it, since I won't be issuing any refunds.

Baboo Sez

Boricuas Destiny Night Club GA

Boricuas Destiny Night Club, GA version. For the grungy (and more expensive) AP version, click here.

If you prefer your Boricua-theme loud and plastered with the flag or some boricua celebrity's face on every square inch, this is probably not the club for you. If, on the other hand, you wish for a night-club ambiance with just a modest touch of Boricua-themed textures, as it would be on a RL club, please take a look. Nothing against banners or celebrity mugs; it's just that, to me, less is more.

Sorry for the steep price, but the original mesh IS already expensive to begin with.

Why did I call it Boricuas Destiny or B-Destiny? In Noel Estrada's song "En mi viejo San Juan," the author talks about how he had to move to the States from the U.S. territory Puerto Rico because of "destiny" (or neccesity, like many islanders have done for many many decades). The song is basically about homesickness, and the pain the author suffers due to his inability to return to his birthplace (probably due to economic reasons). It is a destiny that many Puerto Ricans have had to endure, but one that we take anyway hoping for a better life.

This is part of the B-Destiny Club collection.


The following mini-catalog showcases a few of the items I've derived for my rooms and for very very VERY few buddies—since I rarely do custom work, it's a PITA. I have no unifying theme or marketing "gimmick" to set me apart from other "devs," nor am I interested in joining any clique to increase my apparent level of coolness or my visibility. I'm a lone wolf. If I see something I like, and if I'm in the mood for it, I derive it. 'Nuff said.

Wulfhearth's Attic

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sad monkey