[FCS] Baltazar The Dragon

Forget about slaying the dragon! Ride this magnificent horned beast instead!!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

FEEL THE beneath you! There are plenty of seats (15) in this scene so you and or friends can have fun moving around!

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Oh yeah, and type 'roar' to hear him dragon roar as he exposes his black deadly teeth!

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Shown with my Hypnotic Avatar.

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The black dragon flies over the lava filled landscape. His black wings have been seared with the from the flowing pit below, yet he soldiers on. Luckily for you, it's safe on the many seats on his back or you can stand on his feet if you want to have a closer look at the flowing lava below. Either way, you have no fear of falling off as he continues in his search for a place to land.

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