#1 IMVU best alleyway!

What's safer than walking in an abandoned alley with sexy outfit? What's the worst that can happen?

Carefully designed alleyway at user friendly price, suitable for standing AP positions. Nothing offers more privacy for exhibitionists than a dead-end alleyway! This product is not made by slapping the same image on every wall, everything's carefully scaled.

Also suitable for you 'gangstas' to hang out and hide your stash.

Best priced alleyway in IMVU! Please review after purchasing :)

Try before you buy!

Let me know if the images are not appropiate before flaggin, I can fix that. The image meets MCG and what's shown in there is hardly on par with most GA poses. If you want to be an internet vigilante then go report the other 9000 naked GA skin out there, I know someone might just report my product randomly to knock out the competition, but before you do that, think for the buyers of the product first.

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