SOLDIER 1st Class Uniform | Cosplay Dress

SOLDIER 1st Class Uniform

Product Description:

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Cosplay:

Congratulations! At long last, after years of service and countless foes slain for the Shin-Ra, you've managed to be SOLDIER 1st Class! That's right, you now rank up with the likes of Zack, Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth! ...Okay, maybe not Sephiroth, but every day you're getting closer to becoming a true hero. Remember your dreams and never lose your pride as a SOLDIER! SOLDIER 2nd and SOLDIER 3rd uniforms available in my catalog!

This is the Dress only! Comes with suspenders, belt, shoulder guards, scarf collar, and stockings.

SOLDIER 1st Class Uniform - Back

If you prefer pants, I believe DivineMaiden has a female SOLDIER uniform as well. For just the SOLDIER shirt, try MissValentine's Herogirl Top. ^_^

Don't forget to collect all the costume parts!
SOLDIER 1st Set:
Cosplay Dress Cosplay Scarf Cosplay Gloves Cosplay Boots

Hair, eyes, skin, pose, and other accessories not included.

Please Note:

© 2010 seraphicgate