This is a derivable item. Content creators can derive from it to create new products.
To see what's been created using this item, click HERE.

A cool, realistic-looking jack-o-lantern to decorate your space! Since this is a furniture item, you can use the furniture tools to make this as big or as small as you want!

Developers/Creators: "Carve" this pumpkin using opacity maps, and watch how your opacity map transforms into a realistic-looking carving!! This furniture item uses opacity-mapped layers to create a 3D effect.

This item is easy to derive from! If you'd like, you can simply change the opacity map and leave all the other textures the same (if you just want to "carve" your own design in), OR you can add your own textures. The candle inside, for example, can be changed into anything you want! Use the templates below.

I have included a shading example for the outer pumpkin texture. You may use this texture ONLY when deriving from this item! Any other use is not allowed and will be subject to DMCA takedown.

Developers' Templates:

Pumpkin Outer/Inner

Pumpkin Shading Example

Inside Plane
