My first project in the create mode in IMVU in which I have altered the aspects of a virtual good other than changing textures only. i added an opacity map to a virtual good without having to add an xmf file or using Additive blending. this light sits on the floor and is animated and self illuminated however if there r ceiling nodes in the room u can put it on the ceiling. note large number of triangles and vertices, 10048 and 16350 respectively not recommended for very large clubs or clubs were the sheriff has went overboard with virtual goods. can be used as a test for large prim rooms and your computer also can be used as decoration. You are more than welcome to buy 1 and use it in your clubs. opaque and no blending used the virtual good will not vanish behind transparent virtual goods. No Refunds and Thanx for your purchase and please nice reviews are appreciated. Note if ur room does not have ceiling notes u can still put on the ceiling siply Shift moving up then ctrl or shift rotate it upside down.