
Tilde the chibi Tiger is a happy little tiger that likes to dance and give you strange looks. She's perfectly content to hang out all day by your side, she's such a true friend... even if she shoots you the "you're so weird..." look from time to time. But don't worry... she's weird too... and that's why she likes you! XD

I made her especially for my friend 7TiL, hope you like her Til!! and I hope anyone else who wants to take her home with them will love her too! ^_^ She's a pet so you can try her on before you by, test her trigger words which are:
teehee srsly oh dance
Be sure you want her because I'm afraid there are no refunds. She doesn't look very good against a white BG just to warn you... her tail and feet look like they disapear because they're so white. But other than that she's great!