It contains the following commands:

sheath - Idle animation in sheathed-ready stance

draw - Idle animation in unsheathed-drawn-ready stance

sab - Sheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in sheathed stance

saf - Sheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in sheathed stance

sar - Sheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in sheathed stance

sal - Sheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in sheathed stance

uab - Unsheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in unsheathed stance

uaf - Unsheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in unsheathed stance

uar - Unsheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in unsheathed stance

ual - Unsheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in unsheathed stance

whirlwind or ww - Rising Spin Attack

swordplay or sp - Sequence of manuerves

#imvu-bc input, #imvu-bc select { color: white; } .jello-box .bd, #product-description { border: none !important; } body, html { background-image: url('') !important; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } body, #product-details h1 { font-family:'Palatino Linotype';color: White; } a:link {color: White !important;} a:visited {color: White !important;} #bd .hd .bg, #bd .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd, #product-developer div.hd, .jello-box .hd .bg{background-image: url('');} #imvu-bc, #imvu-bc select, #product-developer .bd, #bundle, #imvu-bc input, .jello-box .bd, #product-details, #product-developer-banner, #product-buttons-sub, #bundle .bd, #bundle .hd, .product, .product_pro, .no-sales, #ft_links{background-image: url('') !important; } .jello-box, #product-description, #product-developer { border: 0px grey;} #product-details{ background-image: url('') !important; }