[SH] Socky Derivable

What is it?
Mista Socky is a fun Sock puppet

This fun item, has been made to work for both avatars, HOWEVER, you will find it in your female accessories section

hold - Hold Socky up
lick - try to lick your face!
pfft - Socky blows a raspberry
wedgie - Socky pulls a wedgie out your pants
sockysays - Ask Socky random questions, and he will answer randomly

NOTE, Thumbnail may appear different than actual product, use the TRY it button or click derive to see the actual item!

You are free to use my textures, on derives of this product


NOTE, Socky has HIDDEN THINGS!, I added a little beret, and curly moustache, which on my derivable version are hidden using an opacity
Why?, Well I wanted to give you extra choice for your derives, so you may remove his hair, beard, glasses, hat and moustache, Accessories him however you like!