Cheap and easy to derive. You just have to use the provided texture templates!

There's a problem with this product, derived of using the old previewer to submit it. It's impossible to fix without screwing up current derivations, but it can be easily fixed by yourself when creating your own derivation. You'll find that there's no xrf file in the second slot (M01), just download this: Solid.xrf and load it in its correct place (above the place where you put your texture), then you can load your texture for the beanie hat. Sorry for the inconvenience.

You can check some derivations with a propper design HERE

This template is for the hair itself. Use it to know where to put shines. You can also use an opacity map to give it a different shape or feathered edges. If you're going to use an opacity, I advice you to work in 512x512

This template is for the beanie hat. If you don't need so much detail, you can resize it down so your product takes less space.