Fantyse's Modern Home is non-furnished villa. I repeat, this place has NO FURNITURE. This house can satisfy the taste of a man or woman. It has four rooms at the top, four rooms at the bottom, and there is three bathrooms at the top and one at the bottom. It has a pool in the back and a deck overlooking the lake. The sky is night, but has a sunset in behind the house. The house is decorated in black stone and white on the outside, and gray hardwood flooring and gray and white walls on the inside. There are plenty of windows and windows in each room. This house is surrounded by grass and has a road in the front with the same black stone as the house. It also have two black brick walls on both sides of the house. The thing I like the most about this house is that it reminds of a real house and if that is what you are looking for, this maybe worth it for you to try out. I made this home for myself, but I loved it so much I decided to share it with you. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket