Voice Record April 26th, 2517....

Things seem to be getting more interesting the longer I travel, I have found another recording that is tired into my sister and yet it is not her in the image on file. It is a man, one that looks far to familiar but I know it is not the same one I met. I can tell by his eyes and though, he is dressed the same. It seems my sister must be working with him, I cannot fathom a man creating an outfit that looks that close to my sisters on chance alone. She had to be part of it. I will keep searching, perhaps I can find more.

This voice recording will repeat for all Apocalypta Male Items.

End voice record for April 26th, 2517.

J. out.

Hair: T3 Kyu-Vamp
Eyes:Bloodlust Red Demon Eyes
Skin:050° Enhanced

Female Counter Part

[J] Apocalypta